Doin' it for the kids // Make a funny red nose pic to donate to SIDS research
Visit , create a funny picture of yourself and do a good deed in the process (for each image created, Renault will donate $1 to SIDS research up to $15k).I don’t see a massive strategic link between Renault and SIDS, but that’s o...
Metallica have recorded an album with Lou Reed
However good or bad the album ends up sounding, I for one am a massive supporter of this move… love that both of these artists are doing something well out of their respective comfort zones.Metallica Machine Music?Metallica and Lou Reed record alb...
"GetAround" - GoGet type service wins TechCrunch Disrupt NYC
And The Winner Of TechCrunch Disrupt NYC Is…Getaround!
Browse the web and Google will donate $1m to charity
Google have just launched “Chrome for a Cause” – a Chrome browser extension that converts your web browsing into real donations to real charities. It tracks the number of tabs you open and at the end of each day it lets you choose which char...
Yes I finished QWOP because I'm that damn good
It took me about 10 mins of dragging myself along the track on one knee, but I JUST FINISHED QWOP. I’m pretty sure this makes me the first person on the interweb to actually get to the finish line.Here are some highlights…There is a hurdle at the ...
Google Demo Slam
Check this out… Google Demo Slam is shows you two videos of people using Google products to make cool real world demos and asks you to rate which one is best.Check out the site at: from just being cool, this is great ...
Coke Village - Real World 'Like' Buttons
Coca Cola - The Real Life Like - (2010) Israel A new development steered by Publicis E-dologic enables people to perform a“Like” action in the real world, and in turn is shown on the Facebook account of that performer. Check out the video here: ht...
Latest Gartner mobile stats: Android is now 2nd most popular OS in the world
Gartner: Android Share Jumps To 25.5 Percent, Now Second Most Popular OS Worldwide By Leena Rao showed that Android devices were the most popular choice for new smartphone purchases over the past six months.
Turn All Your Location Check-Ins Into A Travel Map With Mentaway
Video of a guy reading a book, using a kindle and talking on his iphone... all while driving
This guy desperately needs the self-driving Google car: Source:
EA Signs Five Year Deal With Facebook To Use Credits
and RockYou signed similar partnerships in July. I’m also wondering if this announcement could somehow be related to a rumored new social gaming portal that Facebook is set to announce in mid-November. By Leena Rao
The Best Show in the Universe - Episode 01 - Youtube Kids
Maddox is back. Warning, the following video has a pretty high probability of offending you.
This is no joke - Google announces self driving car
Yep, Google has invented a Toyota Prius that drives itself: “The secret project, which Google revealed for the first time today, is a combination of different technologies developed by Google that will allow a car to drive itself — yes, even on th...
Posterous launches iPhone app - in the AppStore now
Read more:
Green Hornet - Augmented Reality in flash (no plug ins required)
My mum is on Facebook?
Check out our new office
Check out our new office, it’s up for a design award: