Yes I finished QWOP because I'm that damn good

It took me about 10 mins of dragging myself along the track on one knee, but I JUST FINISHED QWOP. I’m pretty sure this makes me the first person on the interweb to actually get to the finish line.

Here are some highlights…

There is a hurdle at the 50m mark

I don’t mean that metaphorically, there is actually a hurdle at the halfway point of the race. My strategy was to knock the hurdle down and drag it for about 10 metres before managing to awkwardly lift my dragging zombie foot over the top of it.


The event is not a sprint

When you get to the end, it turns out it wasn’t a sprint race or a hurdles race… it is in fact long jump. Considering that most people who play this game are struggling to manage a walk, I think a sign saying “JUMP” is quite cruel.


And here it is

After all that, I managed to leap a whopping 70cm. Hardly seems worth all the effort.



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