4 Out of 5 Internet Users in Australia Viewed Online Video in July - comScore
Sydney, Australia, September 9, 2010 – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its July 2010 rankings of the top video properties in Australia based on data from its comScore Video Metrix service. The...
Khloe Kardashian is the most influential celebrity Tweeter
While many celebrities battle it out for the crown of “most followers” on Twitter, a more accurate measure of influence on their particular target audience could be Click Through Rate. Ie. Each time a celeb posts a link on Twitter, what percentage...
SCVNGR - The whole world is a game
This TedX talk (12 mins) is supposed to be about an upcoming new application called SCVNGR (scavenger) - the next evolution of Foursquare. It’s actually a really interesting talk on the dynamics of game design and it’s crossover with social / comm...
OMO Photo Shoot - Behind the scenes
We just completed a photo shoot to develop a key visual for an upcoming OMO campaign, here are some pics of how it went. Thanks to Andy for art direction / photography, Kelly for organising the chef outfit and chocolate cake mix, and Chris for his...
Interactive music video - probably the coolest thing ever made
From Jack Brown: Google made this site for Arcade Fire, it is a bit of a movie, a bit of a film clip and a bit of Google showing off what is possible in HTML5. Open the site in Google Chrome, type in the address of the house you grew up and click ...
Hey ChatRoulette, WTF? I got my pants down, where the hell is Experiment #2, huh?
You may have noticed that ChatRoulette has been down for a few days now, replaced with a holding page that says: The experiment #1 is over now. Thanks for participating. Renewed and updated version of the website will be launched shortly. It origi...
Snoop Dogg Mafia Wars Promotional Stunt Breaks Ustream Record With 2 Million Views
last Thursday, broke a Ustream record for the most viewed original event with more than 2 million live views. Read more and see the video: http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/23/snoop-dogg-mafia-wars-promotional-stunt-breaks-ustream-record-with-2-millio...
What if every single Australian woke up tomorrow to find themselves homeless?
What if every single Australian woke up tomorrow to find themselves homeless? 20 million people are homeless and with limited aid right now in Pakistan. There are no telethons or star studded charity concerts. They need your help. Update your stat...
Target audience? Consumers? End users? ... or humans?
The cluetrain – a 95 point manifesto on how human interactions are changing in the digital age, and how this affects corporations and brands. Here are three choice tidbits: Human communities are based on discourse—on human speech about human...
Memory Inception: Three Keys To Creating A Great User Experience For Your Product
by Guest Author on Aug 14, 2010 Editor’s note: This guest post is written by Dmitry Dragilev, the lead marketer at ZURB and get your computer virus removed in 10 minutes. You’ll definitely be telling others about this experience. ● Bad ending: You...
Meet the bike that tweets for charity
Brainy Bike Will Tweet Its Feelings by John Biggs on August 10, 2010 Meet Precious. Precious will ride from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Tweeting his stats along the way and making assessments over time including comments on the weather, hilliness...
Driving becomes a mobile game
Waze Introduces Digital Caravans For Commuters And Personal Gaming by MG Siegler on Aug 10, 2010 is trying to help with that. A new feature in their Waze 2.0 release is that you can now form and join groups. Maybe it’s a group that goes from S...
Everything ages fast. Update. - Retro 60's ads for Facebook, YouTube + Skype
Read more: http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/06/facebook-youtube-skype-mad-men-style/ http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/maximidia_seminars_vintage_skype
Feeling stressed? Try the Japanese stress jar
http://xorsyst.com/japan/sakebi-no-tsufu-relieves-stress/ Sakebi no Tsufu relieves stress + Amer Iqbal Senior Account Manager p: +612 8917 7900 w: www.deepend.com.au
Video of Amer beatboxing
Got the skillz to pay the billz baby. http://www.mentosbeatbox.com/video/39683/
Has Apple Hired Don Draper from Mad Men?
Excerpt from: It’s As If Apple Has Hired Don Draper by MG Siegler on Jul 10, 2010 ) starts out with two execs from Kodak acknowledging that creating an ad around this “wheel” is hard because “wheels aren’t really seen as exciting technology, even ...