The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing - RT @himania The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing Posted Friday, September 18th, 2009 by Joe Leech Share this on twitter As web professionals, we all...
Deepski 2009 Tribute video
To celebrate the launch of Animoto’s Quickstart API, I put together this short tribute video of last year’s ski trip. Enjoy. Play video -
Facebook to release a "Like" button... for the whole internet
Facebook are making some big moves, and they are due to be unveiled at the upcoming F8 Developer Conference. The most intriguing move involves the soon-to-be released “Like” button that can be placed on ANY website. It may sound like yet another s...
Conan Puts The Tonight Show for Sale on Craigslist Conan Puts The Tonight Show for Sale on Craigslist At least there’s some more humor coming out of the NBC late night debacle. On this evening’sTonight Show, Conan O’Brien joked that he’s put...
Facial recognition is here ||
I presented this technology a while ago (back in the days of Deeply Interesting Friday) and you all thought I was crazy… well now it’s a reality: A Facebook application that scans through photo galleries, automatically detects your face (and your ...
MojaMix, a web service that lets you make your own cereal and granola
MojaMix, a web service that lets you make your own cereal and granola by John Biggs on November 9, 2009
Droid - Verizon and Motorola take aim at iPhone
Motorola and Verizon have announced their joint effort Android handset, which will be called Droid. It is slated for release next month. They’ve created a teaser campaign that takes some very direct shots at the iPhone: The tagline is: “Everything...
iPhone caused suicide? Great article on the ethics involved in modern electronics
On the apparent Apple suicide 125 Comments by John Biggs on July 22, 2009 Every once in a while you get a story so strange and horrible that it takes a while to sink in. I’m talking about the suicide of a Foxconn employee who was caught doing some...
It's official: Google will launch an OS in 2010
Saw this on BBC last night, Google have announced they are going head to head with Microsoft, planning on releasing a free, lightweight operating system next year. Whoah.