Facebook to release a "Like" button... for the whole internet

Facebook are making some big moves, and they are due to be unveiled at the upcoming F8 Developer Conference.

The most intriguing move involves the soon-to-be released “Like” button that can be placed on ANY website. It may sound like yet another small addition to Facebook Connect, but in reality it’s just the tip of the iceberg... the iceberg being Open Graph API.

According to Facebook:

“The Open Graph API will allow any page on the Web to have all the features of a Facebook Page - users will be able to become a Fan of the page, it will show up on that user’s profile and in search results, and that page will be able to publish stories to the stream of its fans.”

Open Graph API will be the first step in turning the entire internet into Facebook. It will give developers the opportunity to embed features in their website that let people like, update their status, post on a wall, and much more.

Essentially it will give every web page in the world the opportunity to become a Facebook Fan Page.

Facebook recently overtook Google as the most visited destination site in the US (currently a close second in worldwide hits), and it’s good to see they are not content to stop there. FB has escaped its enclosure… Google / OpenSocial won’t like this one bit.

Facebook connect was just the beginning, Open Graph API is the revolution.

Just for effect, here’s a diagram that looks cool and doesn’t mean much:


More info:






The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing - RT @himania


Deepski 2009 Tribute video