Is the metaverse our next reality or is the hype just virtual insanity? - Amer Iqbal featured in HRM Asia Magazine
Amer Iqbal, Founder and CEO of 5 Ways To Innovate, examines if the metaverse can be the next revolution that will transform the workplace.
Amer Iqbal, Founder & CEO of 5 Ways to Innovate is featured in this month’s issue of HRM Asia Magazine
This month’s issue of HRM Asia magazine features a piece written by Amer Iqbal, Founder & CEO of 5 Ways to Innovate. The article is drawn from Amer’s experience building Meta’s metaverse readiness playbook.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
Beware the hype cycle
In my former role at Meta, one of my final projects was developing a Metaverse Readiness Model that would help companies develop a pragmatic metaverse plan. Through our research we identified five increasingly mature use cases that businesses are likely to use the metaverse for over time:
1. Play – Delivering metaverse experiences through content. Think interactive marketing campaigns where a QR code launches an Augmented Reality (AR) character you can interact with in a 3D space.
2. Explore – Bring consumers on a journey of exploration across time and geography. If you have ever tried on lipstick or sunglasses virtually before buying, you know what this is.
3. Learn – Immerse in training, analytics, and research, lowering time, risk, and cost required.
4. Create – Augment data and resources to give professionals a new way to do their jobs. Architects who can design a building while walking through it, or surgeons who can perform surgery from the other side of the planet will begin to emerge.
5. Connect – Collaborate without co-location. Connect people remotely, communicate via “See what I see” and enable individuals to view and interact with the same data. Eventually, geography will not be a limit to talent and hiring, organisational design and workforce planning will become borderless.
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