Left brain + Right brain = Innovation

We all know that the human brain is split into two hemispheres: the left brain provides analytical thinking and the right brain provides creative thinking. The key to unlocking innovation is to apply both types of thinking with equal authority and in the right order. Fashion brands are a great example of how this model can work – the world’s most successful fashion brands are all run equally by a CEO (left brain) and Creative Director (right brain).

However, many traditional organisations tend to “stick with what they know” and keep doing what they’ve always done. Particularly in tough economic periods, the tendency is to rationalise and not stray outside of “tried and tested” ways of working. Inevitably, this leads to stagnation, which is a one way ticket to being overtaken by your competitors – Toyota and Honda broke into and took over General Motor’s huge market share in the US simply because they committed to innovation while GM stuck with their “tried and tested” operations.

Clearly, investing in innovation is just good business sense.

So how do we integrate both left and right brain thinking in a way that will unlock true innovation? In order for creative ideas to be effective we need to apply left brain (strategy) and right brain (ideas) thinking in the right order.


Adapted from: Rigby, D.K., Gruver, K. & Allen, J. 2009 ‘Innovation in Turbulent Times’, Harvard Business Review, June 2009 Vol. 87, No. 6, pp.79-86


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