INFOGRAPHIC: Mums are the biggest brand boosters on Facebook

Moms lead the pack when comes to liking brands on Facebook, according to a recent survey by Burst media. Fifty eight percent of moms follow or like brands on social media sites.

The survey showed that moms are the group of consumers most likely to follow their favorite brands on social media. It also found that 2 in 3 readers learn about brands via “likes” from blogs, with moms and 18-34-year-olds particularly influenced by brand mentions. Sixty-six percent of blog readers answered that a promotion by a blogger influences their purchase decisions online.

The survey, provided by Burst Media, uncovered some other interesting stats: 49% of respondents are loyal to brands online and occasionally “like” or follow a brand on social media sites. The most common reason people gave for “liking” their favorite brands online? — “To show support for it.”

The survey was conducted in May and released on Friday. Burst interviewed 1,453 U.S. adults aged 18 or older and found that three-quarters (76.3%) of respondents visit social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Foursquare, with women being more active than men. Forty nine percent of female respondents visit social media sites at least a few times each day, versus only one-third (34.0%) of men.

“For some audience segments, such as moms, social media is a constant presence in daily life,” Mark Kaefer, marketing director, Burst Media said in a press statement. “Given this close relationship between consumers and their online communities, our study also found many opportunities for both online advertisers and web publishers to inject social vehicles into their efforts to drive user engagement.”

Check out the infographic below for a detailed look at social media habits.


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