Why websites should be fun

You’ve probably heard the saying a million times: “under-promise, over-deliver”. In business, you are rewarded for delivering an experience that exceeds your customer’s expectations.

Traditional marketing theory teaches us that if you can deliver a service encounter that is more enjoyable than expected, customers will walk away delighted with you. Make the encounter fun and they will sing your praises to their friends and they will never consider buying from your competitors.

So why do we think differently when it comes to websites?

In the online world, too many brands try to “play it safe”, opting to deliver content that keeps the organisation’s internal stakeholders happy, but pays no attention to what the end-user may want.

Every visit to your website is a service encounter with your brand. If you can deliver a fun, engaging experience online that exceeds your visitor’s expectations, you can be sure they’ll walk away delighted.



Amer Iqbal guest judging finalist presentations for the Integrated Communications course at UTS


Amer Iqbal and Chris Crammond: Deepend's Business Directors Feature In The Latest B&T