The presentation genius of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a master of the presentation. Here are 11 tips we can learn from him:

1.    Planning in Analog
Start with pen, paper, whiteboards – never start with the words until you have a plan

2.    Creating a Twitter-Friendly Description
Make it easy for your audience to spread the word – give them a sound byte or a <140 character tagline

3.    Introducing the Antagonist
All great stories have a hero and a villain – setting up the problem is as important as presenting the solution

4.    Focusing on Benefits
Answer the question “What’s in it for me?” before your audience has a chance to ask

5.    Sticking to the Rule of Three
People will only remember 3 things from your presentation, so pick 3 and stick to it… don’t risk them forgetting everything

6.    Selling Dreams, Not Products
Focus on the value that your pitch will deliver to the end user, not the product itself

7.    Creating Visual Slides
People remember picture / word combinations better than they remember bullet points

8.    Making Numbers Meaningful
Put your numbers in context – is 9 million impressions a lot or a little? Compare to industry averages and competitors

9.    Using Zippy Words
Use plain English, not jargon – it breaks down barriers

10.  Reveal “Holy Smokes” Moment
Your presentation is a story – create a journey for your audience and give them a big reveal

11.  And One Bonus: Practicing. A Lot.
Practice makes perfect, no matter how experienced you are


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